The owner of the website (the “Website”) is the entity INSPIRAVIA S.L., whose identification data are the following:
Registered address: avda. Via Augusta, 15-25 08174 Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona)
Tax Identification Number: B-66262882
Telephone: +34 635 033 460
Registry data: recorded in volume 44241 folio 205 and sheet number 450697 with the Commercial Registry of Barcelona.
Access to the Website/Platform
These General Conditions of Access and Use regulate access and use of the users (the “User/s”) to the Website and, as the case may be, the Viewtravel platform (the “Platform”).
Access and use of the Website/Platform implies the acceptance of these General Conditions of Access and Use.
Use of the Website/Platform
Users accept to make diligent use of the Website/Platform and of the information regarding the products and/or services contained therein, and to comply entirely with applicable Law and these General Conditions of Access and Use, and with any other applicable terms and conditions set forth on the Website/Platform.
Users acknowledge that it is strictly forbidden to express comments and/or content of its own or of third parties that could be unlawful, violent, pornographic, racist and/or denigrating and/or result inappropriate or not pertinent in connection with the activity of INSPIRAVIA and/or the other Users.
Moreover, Users agree not to carrying out any act that may damage, rend the Website/Platform useless and/or that may prevent, in any form, its usual use and operation.
Users are informed that, in the event that they may infringe these General Conditions of Access and Use and/or the Law, any other terms and conditions detailed on the Website/Platform, INSPIRAVIA is entitled to limit, suspend and/or terminate their access to the Website/Platform, adopting any technical measure that may be necessary for such purposes.
INSPIRAVIA makes its best efforts to keep the Website/Platform in good working order, prevent mistakes or remedy them, if they arise, amend them, and keep their content updated. However, INSPIRAVIA cannot guarantee the availability or continued access to the Website/Platform, the accuracy and truthfulness of their contents or that their contents are updated.
INSPIRAVIA reserves the right to change, delete or update the information included in the Website/Platform as well as its layout or presentation at any time.
Policy on Hyperlinks
It is possible to include links to the Website that allow the Users to access other websites (the “Linked Sites”). In any event does the existence of Linked Sites imply recommendation, promotion, identification and/or approval by INSPIRAVIA of any statements, content and/or services provided through the Linked Sites.
As a consequence thereof, INSPIRAVIA shall not be held liable for the content, policies and conditions of Linked Sites, being the User the sole responsible to verify and accept them every time that he/she may access and use them.
Intellectual Property
Intellectual property rights over trademarks, databases and/or software (including source codes) of the Website/Platform (the “Own Content”), in their different versions, as well as over their structure, selection and organization, are owned by INSPIRAVIA or, where applicable, its licensors.
On the other side, intellectual rights over the elements contained in the Website (texts, graphics, photography, videos, audible recordings, colours combinations, and so on) are owned by each relevant licensor (the “Third Party Content”) and, where applicable, INSPIRAVIA.
Reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication, disposal, removal and/or any other expressly unauthorised way of disseminating the Own Content or Third Party Content is expressly forbidden without the relevant authorization. Unauthorized use and any damages and/or harm caused to INSPIRAVIA’s intellectual property rights may result in INSPIRAVIA/licensors taking whatever action to which they may be entitled by Law, and in any liabilities that may arise thereof.
INSPIRAVIA has the utmost respect for the intellectual property rights of third parties and, consequently, it makes its best efforts to ensure the respect for them by any User. In this connection, Users undertake not to infringe, at any moment, intellectual rights and/or rights to honour or image of third parties. INSPIRAVIA shall attend and analyse any notification of alleged infringements of intellectual property and/or image rights alleged by the Users.
Users access to the Website/Platform and use of any information they contain are carried out solely at their own risk, specially, regarding the content that any User may upload to them.
INSPIRAVIA shall comply with the specific liability regime set forth in Law in force. Notwithstanding the above, INSPIRAVIA shall not be held liable, under any circumstances, in any of the following events:
a) For any incident, suspension, interruption and/or fall of the systems, equipment and/or devices of the Users that may prevent the availability and continuity in the use of the Website.
b) For any loss and/or damage, ceasing profit, loss of data, loss of operating time or use of the equipment or process suffered directly or indirectly by the User, provided it is not the fault or negligence of INSPIRAVIA.
c) For any event involving any infringement arising from a use of the Website that does not comply with the uses allowed according to Law, these General Conditions of Access and Use and to the terms and conditions of the social networks.
d) For the content hosted in the Website/Platform by the Users.
e) For any document uploaded by the Users to the Website/Platform and/or sent by email or shared in their social networks.
f) For any payment made by a third party directly to the Platform User, through the "Stripe Connect" payment platform.
Users shall hold INSPIRAVIA harmless from any claims, judicial or extrajudicial, made by third parties, as a consequence of their use of the Website/Platform, and shall be held liable of the damages and/or prejudices of any kind that INSPIRAVIA may suffer as a consequence of the infringement of any obligations to which it is subject under these General Conditions of Access and Use or under the Law in force.
Viewtravel Plan/s
The services and content of Viewtravel Plans are hosted at the Platform and are exclusively addressed to travel agencies or other similar business.
To be subscribed to the Platform, Users shall previously sign up either by means of their credentials in the social networks “Facebook” or “Twitter” or, alternatively, filling in a specific electronic form set forth in the Platform or by providing their data through e-mail. Accessing and, where applicable, registering to any of such social networks that allow access and use of the Platform is subject to the terms and conditions of each social network.
During the subscription, INSPIRAVIA grants the User a license to use the Platform in the terms and conditions set forth in the relevant Viewtravel Plan subscribed.
In a group of entities, one entity can be chosen as a User of the Platform to represent the rest of the group and will oblige all of them in the terms and conditions accepted by the entity.
By signing up, the User representing each travel agency/business declares and guarantees that has sufficient and legal capacity to represent and oblige such entity.
Price and payment:
The price of each Viewtravel Plan will be the one featured on the relevant plan displayed at the Platform/Website and, as the case may be, will include all applicable taxes.
Users may pay the Viewtravel Plan through any of the payment methods foreseen in the Platform or the one agreed with INSPIRAVIA and therefore will be the sole responsible to know the characteristics and costs of the payment method chosen.
Once the relevant payment has been made through any means foreseen in the Website/Platform, the User will receive a notification from INSPIRAVIA, confirming that the payment has been done correctly.
Each Viewtravel Plan included in the Platform/Website shall be for the term indicated therein and may be automatically renovated for additional terms should the User does not cancelate it before the expiration of the relevant term.
Once the User has been subscribed to a specific Viewtravel Plan, the User shall be entitled to carry out, among others, the following functionalities that will depend on the content of each Viewtravel Plan:
- Add any document (such as pdf, excel, word, ppt, png, etc.)
- Insert the logo and contact information of its business
- Complete the data of the profile/account
- Upload own photos, videos and/or Apps (only for Superusers)
- Include its terms and conditions for the trip
- Insert advertising banners (only for Superusers)
- Change type and size of the font (only for Superusers)
- Change the descriptive texts of the menu (only for Superusers)
- Share the Viewtravel Plan by email and uploaded it in Facebook or Twitter
- Extract excel reports from the trips carried out
- Insert Google analytics code to measure the clicks of each trip (only for Superusers)
- Change the URL by another one of the own business (only for Supersusers)
- Retrieve reservations from travel systems (only for Superusers)
- Set up online payments through the "Stripe Connect" platform (for super users only)
“Superusers” have privileges of administrator with full access to all the functionalities.
Users expressly accept that the Platform may suffer occasional or temporary interruptions as a result of the performance of an upgrade or upgrade service by INSPIRAVIA.
Should the Users have any problem or incident regarding the Platform it shall be necessary to send an email to INSPIRAVIA undertakes to attend them as soon as possible.
Users shall be entitled to cancel their subscription to Viewtravel Plans following the steps laid down to that effect in the Platform or, as the case may be, in the relevant written agreement subscribed with INSPIRAVIA.
INSPIRAVIA shall be able to immediately cancel the access to the Platform should the User does not pay the Viewtravel Plan in the indicated term and when a User seriously or repeatedly breaches any provision of these General Conditions of Access and Use, and failure to remedy it, if it can be remedied, within three (3) calendar days after INSPIRAVIA notifies the infringement to the User.
Personal data protection
The Privacy Policy shall govern the process of personal data provided to INSPIRAVIA.
Should any clause in these General Conditions of Access and Use be declared totally or partially invalid or ineffective, such invalidity or ineffectiveness will only affect that provision or part thereof which is null or void, and the General Conditions of Access and Use shall remain in force in all other respects, the provision or part thereof that is affected being deemed non-existent. Accordingly, only the invalid or ineffective provision of the General Conditions of Access and Use shall cease to be valid, and no other part or provision of these General Conditions of Access and Use shall be annulled, invalidated or adversely or otherwise affected by such invalidity or ineffectiveness, unless, due to being essential to the purpose hereto, it unavoidably affects the General Conditions of Access and Use as a whole.
Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
Access to, and use of, the Website shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with Spanish law.
Any dispute arisen between INSPIRAVIA and the Users and, as the case may be, Users of the Website shall be settled by the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Barcelona (Spain) and both expressly waive any other jurisdictions to which they may be entitled.
For any questions arising from these General Conditions of Access and Use, please contact INSPIRAVIA using the following options:
Telephone: +34 635 033 460